Refabriate Screening and Clothing Swap (Raleigh)
We'll start the swap with a screening of the documentary Refabricate about the slow fashion movement in NC, with a panel led by the filmmaker to follow.
Stay for the swap afterwards! Bring clothing you no-longer-love and find something new to you.
Signup at Eventbrite for reminders (registration not required)

April Clothing Swap (Durham)
Clothing swap at DSSOLVR in Durham from 2 - 4, bring your no-longer loved items and swap for something new! Learn more about our clothing swaps here.
Sign up at Eventbrite for reminders (registration is not required)
Clothing & Art Swap
In partnership with Orange County Sustainability and Orange County Arts Commission, we are hosting a Clothing and Art Swap at Eno Arts Mill.
May 17th, 11-1 at the Eno Arts Mill.
Clean out your closets and find a new home for your no-longer-loved items. Bring gently used clothing and art supplies and swap for something new to you.
Sign up at Eventbrite for reminders (optional)
Learn more about how swaps work and what happens to the leftovers
*You are not required to bring an item to participate in the swap (there are always leftovers), so feel free to stop by and take an item or two.
*Weather permitting, we will be outside. In case of rain, we'll be in the large classroom inside Eno Arts Mill.
Lunch and Learn - Refabricate Screening
Spring’s Lunch and Learn will feature a screening of the Refabricate documentary - come learn about the slow fashion movement in North Carolina. 30 minute documentary followed by a discussion.
Sign up on Eventbrite for reminders (registration is optional)

March Mending Workshop
Join us at DSSOLVR in Durham and learn basic hand-sewing skills and leave with supplies! Simple techniques and some patches can keep clothing in circulation. Turn a t-shirt into a simple tote bag, or repair a small hole with a visible mending technique (like adding a cute patch). Take home a small sewing kit.
Sign up at Eventbrite for reminders (registration is not required)

February Clothing Swap (Durham)
Clothing swap at DSSOLVR in Durham from 2 - 4, bring your no-longer loved items and swap for something new! Learn more about our clothing swaps here.
Sign up at Eventbrite for reminders (registration is not required)
February Clothing Swap (Raleigh)
Join us fora clothing swap at RUMAH in Raleigh! We’ll be there from 2-4, bring your no-longer-loved items and swap for something new. More about our clothing swaps here
Signup at Eventbrite for reminders (registration not required)